If you are passionate about the field of education and have a desire to pursue a career in education administration, there is a variety of DOCTOR OF EDUCATION LEADERSHIP JOBS currently in the market today. Those with a doctorate in education leadership are hired in a variety of capacities. These include school administration, program development and consulting. Here is a quick overview of the many jobs you can pursue if you have a doctor of education leadership degree.

School Administration

School administration is probably one of the most common forms of employment sought after by those who have a doctor of education leadership degree. Jobs in this field include becoming an assistant principal, principal, chancellor, dean, ombudsman, or a president/vice president of a college or university. Some people also get shifted into other roles such as being curriculum directors, directors of after-school programming, community relations and athletics. Salaries for these types of jobs will generally start off at around $70,000 and can be as high as over $200,000 depending on the geographic location, years of experience and size of the institution in which an individual will work at. K-12 public and private schools, colleges and universities are typical places that offer administration jobs. Online college are also a possibility for those with this type of degree.

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Program Development/Administration

Another common field that many people with a doctor in education leadership seek is program development and administration. Frequently, nonprofit organizations and government agencies have school-based and community-based education and youth programs. Some of these programs include high school dropout prevention, inmate education, after-school tutoring, etc. Some jobs include program director, program manager, program coordinator and director of youth programming. Typical places that offer jobs in program development include large social service agencies such as the YMCA, city and state children and family services agencies and local correctional facilities. Salaries for these types of jobs range drastically and also depend on geographic location, size of the organization, years of experience as well as education credentials. Nonetheless, jobs in program development and administration usually do not pay as high as compared to those in actual K-12 and college settings.


Another common job field for those with a doctor in education leadership is consulting. Often times, businesses and nonprofit organizations are in need of education experts who can help them navigate the difficult and complex K-12 and university education system. Consultants can be utilized to help in projects such as research evaluation, program development, program management, and strategic planning. The good thing about being a consultant is that individuals can set their own work schedule; however the only drawback would be that one would need to find their own consistent client base. Salaries will range drastically, but for the most part, consulting jobs can be quite lucrative and education consultants can easily make way well over $100,000 a year.

There are so many job opportunities available for those who are seeking this degree. Just do your due diligence and make sure that your career goals are in complete alignment with your degree. DOCTOR OF EDUCATION LEADERSHIP JOBS are all over the place, just make a list of ten to twenty job titles and begin an aggressive campaign to land a job with your degree.

For more information on earning your Educational Leadership Degree, please see Top 15 Best and Most Affordable Graduate Educational Leadership Programs.